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What principles should be followed in concluding economic contracts?

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What principles should be followed in concluding economic contracts?


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  • 2024-06-13 17:00:57

    What principles should be followed in concluding economic contracts? What principles should be followed in the conclusion of an economic contract 1. Definition of an offer: a party's declaration of intention to the other party for the purpose of concluding the contract, the party making the declaration of intention is the offeror, and the other party accepting the declaration of intention is the offeree; 2. An offer has the following conditions and characteristics: an offer is an expression of the will of a specific person; Must be made to the offeree; The content must be specific and definite; It must be for the purpose of concluding a contract. 3. The legal effect of an offer: the legal consequences of the offer, including the effect on the offeror and the effect on the offeree. Economic contract is a contract with economic content that directly reflects the government's will. Its essence is that the state or government reflects its will into the contractual relationship that was originally private autonomy in economic activities or economic management. Contract or contract is one of the oldest and most modern legal and social relations. It is the medium of trade and commodity relations, which accompanied human beings from barbarism to civilization; In modern times, the legal form of transaction has evolved into a legal form in which any subject voluntarily accepts and binds each other in any field. Do you understand this explanation?

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