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Functions and roles of local police stations

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Functions and roles of local police stations


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  • 2024-06-14 12:00:48

    To maintain public security in the jurisdiction and crack down on crimes in the jurisdiction; Manage the permanent and temporary residence in the jurisdiction; The masses within the jurisdiction ask for help, receive and deal with the police; Approval and management of rental rooms and hotels. 1、 The functional public security department has the basic functions of democracy and dictatorship: 1. The dictatorship function mainly means that the public security organ has the social efficacy of cracking down, punishing, monitoring and reforming the hostile forces and other criminals who deliberately undermine the socialist system according to law; 2. Democratic function, that is, the public security organ has the social efficacy of relying on the people, protecting the people, solving the contradictions among the people with democratic methods, serving people, and acting as the public servant and guardian of the people. 2、 Function 1: prevent, stop and investigate illegal and criminal activities; Preventing and combating terrorist activities; 2. Maintain public order and stop acts endangering public order; 3. Manage traffic, fire control and dangerous goods; To administer matters relating to household registration, resident identity cards, nationality, immigration and foreigners' residence and travel in China; 4. Maintain the public order in the border areas; 5. Guard specific personnel, important places and facilities stipulated by the state; 6. Manage assemblies, processions and demonstrations; 7. Supervise and manage the safety supervision of public information network; 8. Guide and supervise the public security work of state organs, social organizations, enterprises, institutions and key construction projects, and guide the public security prevention work of public security organizations such as security committees. Then let's extend this question: according to the provisions of Article 6 of the People's Police Law of the People's Republic of China, the people's police of public security organs perform the following duties according to the division of duties: 1. prevent, stop and investigate illegal and criminal activities; 2、 Maintain public order and stop acts endangering public order; 3、 Maintain traffic safety and order, and deal with traffic accidents; 4、 Organize and implement fire control work and implement fire control supervision; 5、 To control firearms and ammunition, knives, inflammable, explosive, highly toxic, radioactive and other dangerous goods; 6、 Manage the special industries specified by laws and regulations; 7、 Guard specific personnel specified by the state, and guard important places and facilities; 8、 To administer assemblies, processions and demonstrations; 9、 To administer household affairs, nationality, entry and exit affairs, and matters relating to aliens' residence and travel in China; 10、 To maintain public order in the border areas; 11、 To execute criminal punishments against criminals sentenced to public surveillance, criminal detention or deprivation of political rights and criminals serving outside prison, and to supervise and investigate criminals who have been sentenced to probation or parole; 12、 Supervise and manage the security protection of computer information system; 13、 To guide and supervise the public security work of state organs, social organizations, enterprises, institutions and key construction projects, and to guide the public security work of public security committees and other mass organizations; 14、 Other responsibilities specified by laws and regulations.

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