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Marriage age at the time of marriage registration

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Marriage age at the time of marriage registration


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  • 2024-06-24 21:00:49

    The natural and social attributes of marriage require that only when the marriage reaches a certain age, can it have suitable physical and psychological conditions, fulfill the obligations of husband and wife, and assume family and social responsibilities. Therefore, although the law of our country gives every citizen the right to marry, not all citizens can become the subject of the legal relationship of marriage. Only those who reach the marriage age stipulated by the law can enjoy the right to marry.
    The legal age for marriage in China shall not be earlier than 22 for men and 20 for women.
    The age of marriage stipulated in the Marriage Law has universal applicability, but in some special cases, the law also allows exceptions to the age of marriage. For example, considering China's multi-ethnic characteristics, Article 50 of the Marriage Law stipulates that "the people's congresses in ethnic autonomous areas have the right to formulate flexible provisions in combination with the specific conditions of local ethnic marriage and family." The legislative organs of some ethnic autonomous areas in China have made flexible provisions on the legal age of marriage in the marriage law. For example, the minimum age for marriage in Ningxia, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Tibet and other autonomous regions, as well as some autonomous prefectures and autonomous counties, is 20 for men and 18 for women. However, these adaptations only apply to ethnic minorities, not the Han people living in the region.

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