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How much is the lawyer for the crime of intentional injury

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How much is the lawyer for the crime of intentional injury


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  • 2024-06-19 03:01:44

    (1) The charging standard for criminal cases shall be determined on a case by case basis at each stage of case handling.
    1. In the investigation stage, each piece will be charged 5000 to 10000 yuan.
    2. In the stage of review and prosecution, each piece will be charged 5000-10000 yuan.
    3. In the first instance stage, each piece will be charged 10000 to 30000 yuan.
    4. For cases outside Beijing that have special difficulties in family life and meet the local legal aid conditions, the above criteria will be lowered.
    (2) Lawyer service fees shall be charged for cases of second instance, death penalty review, retrial, appeal and criminal private prosecution according to the charging standards at the stage of first instance.
    (3) A law firm represents a case in multiple stages, and the fees will be reduced from the second stage.
    (4) If the victim brings a case of civil suit incidental to criminal proceedings, the lawyer's service fee shall be charged according to the charging standard for civil proceedings.
    (5) If the criminal suspect and the defendant are involved in several crimes or criminal facts at the same time, they can be charged separately according to the crimes or criminal facts involved.

    Legal basis

    Article 14 of the Measures for the Administration of Fees for Lawyer Services, law firms shall strictly implement the measures and standards for the administration of fees for lawyer services formulated by the competent pricing department in conjunction with the judicial administration department at the same level.

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