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What is the difference between pension and endowment insurance? Is it a concept?

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What is the difference between pension and endowment insurance? Is it a concept?


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  • 2024-06-14 07:01:46

    What is the difference between pension and endowment insurance? Is it a concept?
    What is the difference between pension and endowment insurance? Is it a concept? Different concepts: pension is a kind of monetary insurance treatment paid monthly or once by the state according to the provisions of the social insurance system, according to their contributions to the society and their eligibility to enjoy pension insurance or retirement conditions after the workers are old or unable to work, which is mainly used to protect the basic living needs of employees after retirement. Endowment insurance is a kind of social insurance system established by the state and society according to certain laws and regulations to solve the basic life of workers when they reach the working age limit set by the state to relieve labor obligations, or when they quit their jobs due to old age and loss of labor ability. 1. The recipients and receiving methods are different: pension is also called endowment insurance, which is mainly aimed at employees of enterprises and institutions; The pensioners are mainly government departments, such as civil servants. Many people take the civil service exam just for the pension. At present, government agencies are transitioning from pension to old-age pension. The payment of pension can be divided into one-time payment and installment payment. The social endowment insurance benefits shall be uniformly distributed by the government departments. 2. Different payment methods: pension is provided by units or enterprises. The basic endowment insurance is generally withheld and remitted by the unit of the insured, following the unified payment criteria, and slightly different in each region. For example, the unit contribution ratio in Chongqing is 19%, and the individual contribution ratio is 8%; The endowment insurance units in Beijing pay 19% and pay 8% by themselves. 4. The funding channels are different: pensions are generally disbursed from the national or local finance. Pensions are disbursed from social insurance funds. The retirement benefits of retirees who participate in social pooling of pension insurance are collectively referred to as pensions. PensionPlan is a part of the service remuneration paid to employees or staff of an enterprise or public institution once or in installments after retirement. The retirement measures formulated by the enterprise should be conducive to improving the labor enthusiasm of the staff and workers, making them have a basis for their old age, social stability and improving the efficiency of the enterprise. Endowment insurance, the full name of social basic endowment insurance, is a social insurance system established by the state and society in accordance with certain laws and regulations to solve the basic life of workers after they reach the working age limit set by the state to relieve their labor obligations, or they quit their jobs due to old age and loss of labor ability. Do you understand this explanation?

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