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Why should the company pay social insurance in Class A, Class B and Class C? What are the differences?

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Why should the company pay social insurance in Class A, Class B and Class C? What are the differences?


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  • 2024-06-14 07:01:01

    Why should the company pay social insurance in Class A, Class B and Class C? What are the differences?
    Why should the company pay social insurance in Class A, Class B and Class C? What are the differences? The park provident fund system has three types of comprehensive social security plans: A, B, and C. Their differences are as follows: First, the total contribution ratio is different. Class A comprehensive social security plan: the total contribution ratio is 44.2%; Class B comprehensive social security plan: the total contribution rate is 36.2%; Class C comprehensive social security plan: the total contribution rate is 28.2%. Difference 2: The security projects are different from Class A comprehensive social security plans: including six types of social security projects, including basic pension, medical care, unemployment, work-related injury, maternity insurance and housing security. Class B comprehensive social security plan: including five types of social security projects, including basic pension, medical care, unemployment, work-related injury and maternity. Class C comprehensive social security plan: including four types of social security projects, namely basic pension, unemployment, work-related injury and serious illness hospitalization. Do you understand this explanation?


    2024-06-14 07:01:01

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