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Deduct several points for single line retrograde

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Deduct several points for single line retrograde


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  • 2024-06-14 18:00:03

    Deduct 3 points and impose a fine of not less than 20 yuan but not more than 200 yuan for single line retrograde traffic. According to the Scoring Value of Illegal Acts on Road Traffic Safety: Article 3 A motor vehicle driver who commits one of the following illegal acts shall be scored 3 points at a time: Point 9 Driving a motor vehicle that does not overtake, yield, or drive in the opposite direction as required; According to the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China: Article 90 If a motor vehicle driver violates the road traffic safety laws and regulations on road passage, he shall be given a warning or fined between 20 yuan and 200 yuan. If this Law provides otherwise, punishment shall be imposed in accordance with the provisions. What are the legal provisions on penalties for violations of traffic safety? The Provisions on Procedures for Handling Illegal Acts in Road Traffic Safety stipulates that: Article 41 Where an offender is given a warning or fined less than 200 yuan, the summary procedure may be applied. If the violator is fined more than 200 yuan (excluding), or his motor vehicle driving license is temporarily detained or revoked, the general procedure shall apply. If it is not necessary to take administrative coercive measures, the traffic police on the scene shall collect and fix relevant evidence and prepare a notice for handling illegal acts. The punishment of administrative detention on the violator shall be implemented in accordance with the Provisions on the Procedure of Public Security Organs in Handling Administrative Cases. Article 52 If a party fails to implement the decision on administrative penalty within the time limit, the traffic control department of the public security organ that made the decision on administrative penalty may take the following measures: (1) If the party fails to pay the fine at the expiration of the time limit, an additional fine of 3% of the amount of the fine shall be imposed every day, and the total amount of the additional fine may not exceed the amount of the fine; (2) Apply to the people's court for compulsory execution. The above is the legal knowledge about how to deduct points for one-way line retrograde. Have you learned it?

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