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Can house release and ownership transfer be carried out simultaneously

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Can house release and ownership transfer be carried out simultaneously


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  • 2024-06-12 04:00:49

    The house release and ownership transfer can be carried out simultaneously. After the individual loan is repaid, he/she should carry his/her ID card, house property right certificate and other rights certificate to go through the settlement procedures. After the bank issues the repayment certificate and other materials, he/she should go to the real estate transaction center to go through the cancellation procedures with the settlement procedures to complete the mortgage release of the house property certificate, and at the same time go through the transfer procedures in the real estate transaction center. According to the relevant laws and regulations of our country, when the mortgage contract is changed or the mortgage relationship is terminated, the mortgage party shall, within 15 days from the date of change or termination, go to the original registration authority to change or cancel the mortgage registration. If the right to use the land and the ownership of land buildings and other attachments are obtained due to the disposal of the mortgaged real estate according to law, the mortgaged party shall apply to the real estate administrative department of the local people's government at or above the county level for registration of the transfer of housing ownership within 30 days from the effective date of the disposal, And apply to the land administration department of the people's government at the same level for the registration of the change of land use right on the strength of the changed house ownership certificate.
    What is the housing release process?
    1. First of all, the loan needs to be settled. After the borrower has settled the house loan, he/she will go to the provident fund center to issue the Notice on Cancelling the Mortgage of House Property Rights with the loan settlement notice issued by the bank.
    2. The second is to get the certificate of other property rights. The borrower should go to the provident fund center to get the certificate of other property rights and the notice of mortgage release with his valid ID card and mortgage release procedures.
    3. Finally, it is necessary to go through the mortgage release procedures. The borrower should go through the mortgage release procedures at the original mortgage registration department with his/her valid ID card, certificate of other rights, house property certificate, repayment certificate and other materials.
    4. If you do not choose to use the buyer's down payment to understand the mortgage, it means that you need to choose one of the two methods of finding an intermediary loan to solve the mortgage and a guarantee company to borrow to solve the mortgage. But I have to remind you that you must find a formal company, otherwise it will be small to be charged indiscriminately, and it will be very troublesome to be involved in lawsuits.
    5. The mortgaged real estate can only be transferred or leased with the consent of the mortgagee (that is, the bank). That is to say, before you transfer the property under mortgage, you must first obtain the consent of the bank, otherwise you cannot buy or sell it. You must carefully sign the contract and understand the contents of the contract.
    6. The bank generally requires the borrower to submit a written or telephone application in advance, and the bank shall review and approve the application after receiving the borrower's application for home loan repayment. After settlement, the bank will issue a settlement certificate to return other certificates of rights. You only need to go to the local construction committee for decompression. When there are many people, you need to queue up. Therefore, it generally takes time for banks to repay loans and mortgage.
    To sum up, real estate mortgage release and transfer can be carried out at the same time. First, mortgage release and then transfer procedures. I hope it is helpful to you.


    2024-06-12 04:00:49

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