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What if the engaged woman wants to withdraw

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What if the engaged woman wants to withdraw


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  • 2024-06-27 12:01:00

    1、 Precautions for withdrawal after engagement: engagement refers to the prior agreement made by both men and women for the purpose of future marriage, which is a folk custom. According to the provisions of the Marriage Law of China, marriage is only recognized and protected by law when both men and women have registered their marriage in the marriage registration authority. However, engagement is not a legal and necessary procedure for marriage, so it has no legal effect and is not protected by law. The gold jewelry and other items given to the other party after the engagement can be settled through negotiation, mediation or litigation. If the woman voluntarily returns the property after negotiation between the two parties, it is certainly better. If the woman is unwilling to voluntarily return the property, she can carry out some mediation through the relevant departments or sue the court for the return of property. However, if these items are presented voluntarily by the man, they will not be returned in principle. If they are forcibly demanded or borrowed by the woman from her engagement, they should be returned; Valuable gold jewelry items should be returned, and small items can not be returned. The second interpretation of the Marriage Law clearly stipulates that the betrothal gifts should be returned, and if negotiation fails, a lawsuit can be filed in the court
    1. The interpretation of the Marriage Law on this issue has clear provisions.
    2. As long as you haven't gone through the marriage registration, you can sue the woman to get the money back. Precautions for Divorce after Engagement
    2、 How to compensate the man if the woman withdraws from the marriage: If the man proposes to return the gift money, according to Article 10 of Interpretation 2 of the Marriage Law, if the party requests to return the bride price paid according to custom, the people's court shall support it if it is found that the following circumstances exist.
    3、 What should the woman do when she is divorced? Keep a cool head. After the engagement, when the man asks to withdraw, keep your cool head. Don't feel betrayed or cheated, and don't yell at the top of your voice to question the other party. Don't let the incident completely turn around because of your own impulsion before you can remedy it. After communicating with the man about the engagement, if the man wants to withdraw, if you still can't let go of this relationship, you can talk with the man sometime, try to ask the reason with a calm mind, everything will not happen for no reason. If it is your own reason, you can change it and let the other party know your intention. If it is because of the man's change of heart, there is nothing to remember. It is not sweet to change things. What you need is to terminate this relationship in time. Don't have a relationship with your husband. Only you know how much you have invested. Don't quarrel with the man after he quits his marriage. This is not a solution for civilized people. No matter whether it is for himself or the man, let go when it is time to let go, clear up your mood, and let yourself get out of this hurt emotion as soon as possible. Since you have decided to let go of this relationship, why do you have something to do with him. Try to minimize your losses. If you feel that you have lost so much after you have been engaged, you can minimize your losses to prevent yourself from being hurt or losing money. So if the man wants to quit, he should do so, Don't let yourself suffer losses if you don't change where you suffer losses.

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