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What aspects should be paid attention to when handling the notarization of property inheritance

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What aspects should be paid attention to when handling the notarization of property inheritance


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  • 2024-06-26 06:00:57

    1. Inheritance must begin after the decedent's death;
    2. The person who inherits the estate must be the legal heir of the decedent, that is, the legal heir or testamentary heir;
    3. As an inheritance, the house property shall be the legal personal property left by a citizen after his death;
    4. The property status of the decedent should be clear;
    5. When handling the inheritance notarization of the death of one of the husband and wife, only the part of the property jointly owned by the husband and wife that belongs to the deceased can be inherited as inheritance, and the other part should belong to the living party;
    6. In the case of the death of a successor, the date of his death shall be ascertained to determine whether the provisions on succession by subrogation or subrogation are applicable;
    7. The written consent of others is required to give up the inheritance of the property.
    (1) Citizen's income;
    (2) Citizens' houses, savings and daily necessities;
    (3) Citizens' trees, livestock and poultry;
    (4) Cultural relics, books and materials of citizens;
    (5) Means of production that the law permits citizens to own;
    (6) Property rights in citizens' copyright and patent rights;
    (7) Other lawful property of citizens.

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