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Will minors leave a record if they are caught surfing the Internet

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Will minors leave a record if they are caught surfing the Internet


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  • 2024-06-14 10:01:43

    It is not illegal for minors to access the Internet. However, it is illegal for a publicly operated Internet cafe to allow minors to access the Internet. Therefore, minors who go to the police station to make a record are only the act of obtaining evidence to cooperate with the police investigation. Minors do not constitute violations of the law, but as witnesses, they are obliged to cooperate with the police investigation. Those who are under the age of 14 at the time of their behavior will not be investigated for criminal responsibility for any behavior, and there is no case. Internet cafes need ID cards to access the Internet, and you can show that the management of Internet cafes is not good. The police investigate minors to punish Internet cafes, and record your details as evidence of fines. According to the law, even if minors break the law and commit a crime, their criminal records must generally be sealed, and minors will be exempted from the obligation to report voluntarily in the future. What legal provisions for the protection of minors are stipulated in the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Minors? Article 1 These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Minors in order to create a healthy, civilized and orderly network environment, ensure the safety of minors' cyberspace, protect minors' legitimate network rights and interests, and promote the healthy growth of minors. Article 2 The State protects minors' lawful online activities, guarantees minors' equal, full and reasonable use of the Internet, protects minors from infringement of illegal information on the Internet, avoids minors' access to information unsuitable for them, protects minors' personal information online, and prevents minors from indulging in the Internet. Article 3 The State Council and the local people's governments at all levels shall take the network protection of minors as an important part of the protection of minors, incorporate it into the national economic and social development plans and annual plans, and incorporate the relevant funds into the government budget at the corresponding level. The departments of network information, education, industry and information technology, public security, culture, health and family planning, industry and commerce, press, publication, radio and television at all levels carry out the network protection of minors according to their respective responsibilities. The Communist Youth League, the Women's Federation and the relevant social organizations responsible for the ideological and moral construction of minors shall assist the relevant departments to carry out network security education for minors, network knowledge popularization, prevention of minors' addiction to the Internet and other minors' network protection work. Article 4 The State encourages relevant trade organizations to participate in the work of minors' network protection, formulates self-discipline norms on minors' network protection, and guides the members of trade organizations to strengthen the network protection of minors. Article 5 The State, society and schools shall help and guide minors and their guardians to learn network knowledge, improve their network literacy, educate and guide minors to use the network correctly, and prevent and correct minors' improper network behaviors. The above is the legal knowledge about whether minors will stay in the bottom of the case if they are caught surfing the Internet. Have you learned it?

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