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In Article 61 of the Criminal Law, how many years is the maximum sentence for the crime of official embezzlement?

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In Article 61 of the Criminal Law, how many years is the maximum sentence for the crime of official embezzlement?


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  • 2024-06-14 10:00:57

    In Article 61 of the Criminal Law, how many years is the maximum sentence for the crime of official embezzlement? Article 61 of the Criminal Law states that the maximum sentence for the crime of official embezzlement is 15 years, and the maximum sentence for 500000 yuan is generally more than 10 years; 1. Article 45 The term of fixed-term imprisonment is not less than six months but not more than fifteen years, except as stipulated in Articles 50 and 69 of this Law. 2. According to Article 61 of the Criminal Law [Factual and Legal Basis for Sentencing], when a criminal is sentenced, he shall be sentenced according to the facts of the crime, the nature and circumstances of the crime, and the degree of harm to society, and in accordance with the relevant provisions of this Law. 3. Article 271 of the Criminal Law [Crime of Embezzlement; Corruption] Any person of a company, enterprise or other unit who, taking advantage of his position, illegally takes possession of the property of his own unit, if the amount is relatively large, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years or criminal detention; If the amount is huge, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years and may also be sentenced to confiscation of property. I hope that the above answers to the question of Article 61 of the Criminal Law, "How many years is the maximum sentence for the crime of official embezzlement?"


    2024-06-14 10:00:57

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