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What should we do if the original household registration of the college entrance examination immigrants is lost and the new household registration is to be cancelled?

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What should we do if the original household registration of the college entrance examination immigrants is lost and the new household registration is to be cancelled?


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  • 2024-06-13 14:00:58

    What should we do if the original household registration of the college entrance examination immigrants is lost and the new household registration is to be cancelled? The original residence of the college entrance examination immigrants has disappeared, and the new residence is to be cancelled. How to do it? If the new residence is to be cancelled, you can apply for a new residence. How to go through the formalities for reissue if the residence transfer certificate is stolen or lost? 1. I write down the reasons for the loss of the account and the application report; 2. The unit or neighborhood committee of the neighborhood where the residence is moved has issued a certificate of non settlement; The local police station in the place of relocation has issued a certificate of non settlement; 3. With the above certificate, go to the original residence registration authority to apply for re registration procedures. After verification, a re signed residence registration certificate will be issued. The graduation student's household registration shall be transferred according to the address of the unit on the dispatch certificate issued by the student dispatch unit. When registering for a new post (unit), the registration formalities can be handled only after the residence transfer certificate and relevant certificates are submitted to the local residence administration authority where the registration unit is located. The procedures for dropping out of school and returning to the original place of residence shall be handled. With the school drop out documents, I shall go to the local police station where the student's residence is located to handle the procedures for moving my residence. The procedures for returning the student's registered permanent residence to their original residence shall be handled. With the original and photocopy of the certificate, the student's registered permanent residence shall be transferred to the local police station where the student's registered permanent residence is located. College students who wish to serve the western part of the country and apply for a residence permit shall keep the residence permit at the university for two years as required; If I request to transfer my household registration back to the place where he was registered before he entered school, the public security organ shall handle the registration procedures for him according to the regulations; After the service period expires and the work unit is assigned, the public security organ shall go through the formalities of household registration transfer according to relevant regulations. New college graduates' hukou migration. When college graduates graduate from college, their hukou needs to be moved out of the school to the city where they work. This process is called receiving new college graduates; The term of residence of new graduates of colleges and universities is the year of graduation. For example, the term of residence of the class of 2009 is valid from January to December 2009. If it expires, it will be accepted as the former graduates. The conditions and costs of acceptance are much higher. For example, Guangzhou and other cities need real estate to accept them. Therefore, most graduates who cannot move to the city where they work in the year of graduation can only move in after buying a house in the future. The procedure of household registration transfer is to apply for settlement at the destination, obtain the Application Form for College Students in XX City after obtaining the permission of the local personnel bureau, and then go to the school with the form to go through the formalities of household registration transfer, and then go to the destination to register. For example, if you want to settle down in Guangzhou, you should first apply to the Guangzhou Municipal Human Resources Bureau or the Human Resources Bureau of a district in Guangzhou to receive the acceptance form. Do you understand this explanation?

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