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How to handle property transfer after divorce

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How to handle property transfer after divorce


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  • 2024-06-27 06:00:01

    1. The housing loan has been settled. The property transfer after divorce can be divided into two situations. The first is that the housing loan has been settled. At this time, both the husband and wife must clearly agree on the ownership of each property in the divorce agreement. After negotiation, they will take the effective divorce agreement or court arbitration, divorce certificate, ID card, and the original house ownership certificate to the local real estate management department to handle the transfer of property rights.
    2. The second situation of property transfer after divorce is that the housing loan has not been settled. If the house is still under mortgage, the loan must be paid off in advance and the Bank's Certificate of Settlement of Loan must be obtained. However, many people may not be able to settle the remaining loan at once, so we can consider to redeem the house property certificate through some loan companies, and then go through the procedures of house mortgage cancellation and renaming, Finally, according to the remaining loan amount, we will go through the mortgage formalities and property right mortgage registration formalities with the bank again.

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