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How to write a family property division agreement to be effective

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How to write a family property division agreement to be effective


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  • 2024-06-27 04:00:02

    The first part of the family property division agreement should specify the "property division agreement" and the basic information about the identity of the parties, and the main body should include the reasons for the division Specific property analysis scheme (the specific content of the scheme shall be the true intention of the parties, shall not violate the mandatory provisions of the law, involve the scope of disposal of family property that the parties to the agreement have the right to, and the division scheme itself shall be practical, comply with the provisions and requirements of relevant administrative departments, and can be realized), and the end shall indicate the party who made the agreement The witness (or not if there is no witness) shall be personally signed and stamped by the party concerned (the company's seal shall also be affixed if the company's assets are involved, and if the company's equity split is involved, the written consent or confirmation of other shareholders shall be determined in combination with the actual situation), and the effective method or conditions and signing time shall be noted. In this way, the property division agreement not only has legal effect, but also can be supported and executed by the court even if there are disputes in the future.


    2024-06-27 04:00:02

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