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What should we do if the current national endowment insurance dies within one year

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What should we do if the current national endowment insurance dies within one year


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  • 2024-06-14 17:00:00

    What should we do if the current national endowment insurance dies within one year
    1. If the insured person dies during the period of receiving pension insurance benefits, his/her legal heir or designated beneficiary shall go through the inheritance procedures at the social security office where his/her household registration is located within one month, and the remaining part of his/her personal account shall be returned to his/her legal heir or designated beneficiary at one time; 2. If no heir or beneficiary can be designated, the neighborhood social security office (village committee) shall go through relevant formalities within one month and pay funeral expenses according to the standard of urban employees. If the standard of funeral expenses is higher than the balance of individual account, funeral expenses shall be paid according to the balance of individual account; If the standard of funeral expenses is lower than the balance of the individual account, the funeral expenses shall be paid according to the standard, and the remaining part of the individual account shall be incorporated into the endowment insurance fund for urban and rural residents. Implement Article 6 of the Social Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China. 1. Individual accounts of basic endowment insurance for employees shall not be withdrawn in advance. If an individual leaves the country and settles down before reaching the statutory basic pension conditions, his/her personal account will be retained. When reaching the statutory conditions, he/she will enjoy the corresponding pension insurance benefits according to the national regulations. 2. Among them, those who have lost the nationality of the People's Republic of China may apply in writing to terminate the basic endowment insurance relationship of employees at the time of departure or after departure. After receiving the application, the social insurance agency shall inform it in writing of the right to retain the personal account and the consequences of terminating the basic endowment insurance relationship of employees. After the written confirmation of the person, the social insurance agency shall terminate the basic endowment insurance relationship of employees and pay the amount of the personal account to the person in a lump sum. 3. After the death of an individual who has participated in the basic old-age insurance for employees, the balance in his personal account can be inherited in accordance with the law.


    2024-06-14 17:00:00

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