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What materials are needed for inheritance notarization

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What materials are needed for inheritance notarization


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  • 2024-06-05 22:01:40

    The materials to be prepared for inheritance notarization shall have personal identity certificates; Property ownership certificate related to the agreed content; The agreement has been drafted by both parties.

    1. First of all, the materials that need to be prepared for notarization have personal identity certificates; Property ownership certificate related to the agreed content; The agreement drafted by both parties;

    2. After preparing the above materials, both parties must jointly go to the notary office to apply for notarization in person and fill in the notarization application form;

    3. After the notarization application is accepted by the notary, the notary will examine the proof of property rights according to the content of the property agreement; Ask the parties whether they have been deceived or misled in their contract. The party concerned shall cooperate with the notary to complete the notarial conversation record, and sign on the record for confirmation;

    4. Both parties signed the agreement in front of the notary. The party concerned may obtain the notarial certificate on the basis of the fee receipt within the prescribed time limit.

    [Legal Basis]

    According to Article 2 of the Notarization Law, notarization is an activity in which a notary office, upon the application of a natural person, legal person or other organization, proves the authenticity and legality of civil legal acts, facts of legal significance and documents in accordance with legal procedures.


    2024-06-05 22:01:40

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