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What to do if civil compensation cannot be paid

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What to do if civil compensation cannot be paid


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  • 2024-06-02 02:01:38

    Economic losses caused by criminal acts shall be compensated by the criminals themselves, and innocent people shall not be implicated. However, due to the particularity of some cases, according to the law, if I am unable to make compensation, someone else can make compensation on my behalf:

    (1) According to the provisions of the Civil Code, the parents of minors have the obligation to compensate for the losses caused by crimes committed by minors, which should be compensated by their parents.

    (2) If there are accomplices or other persons involved in the crime, no matter whether they constitute a crime or not, according to the provisions of the Civil Code, they should bear civil liability and compensate.

    (3) If a part of the defendant's illegal gains from his criminal act is used for family life, his family members have the obligation to refund and compensate for this part.

    (4) If the criminal act of the defendant is not punishable by death and must be executed, the relatives of the defendant may, at the request of the defendant or on their own initiative and with the consent of the defendant, compensate for the defendant. Of course, this kind of compensation should also be regarded as the compensation made by the defendant, according to which the defendant can be appropriately punished leniently according to law.

    (5) The economic losses caused by adult crimes can not be compensated by their family members or by the common property of family members, but the part of family property belonging to the perpetrator can be used for compensation.

    [Legal Basis]

    Article 1179 of the Civil Code states that if a person infringes upon another person and causes personal injury, he/she shall compensate medical expenses, nursing expenses, transportation expenses, nutrition expenses, hospital board subsidies and other reasonable expenses for treatment and rehabilitation, as well as reduced income due to missed work. If it causes disability, it shall also compensate for the cost of auxiliary equipment and disability compensation; If death is caused, funeral expenses and death compensation shall also be compensated.

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