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What materials are needed to sue for divorce

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What materials are needed to sue for divorce


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  • 2024-06-18 17:00:01

    Prosecution generally requires the following 7 kinds of materials, as follows: 1. ID cards of both husband and wife; 2. Household register; 3. Marriage certificate; 4. Civil petition for divorce; 5. Property ownership certificate; 6. Proof of creditor's rights and debts; 7. Evidence that the relationship between the husband and wife has broken down. Divorce is usually a legal act in which both husband and wife dissolve their marriage relationship and terminate their rights and obligations through agreement or litigation.

    Legal basis

    Article 123 of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China shall submit a bill of complaint to the people's court and submit copies according to the number of defendants.
    If it is really difficult to write a statement of complaint, it may be filed orally, and the people's court shall record it in writing and inform the other party.


    2024-06-18 17:00:01

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