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I hung up someone's car and rubbed it, but I didn't know it at that time. I drove away directly. Is it escape?

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I hung up someone's car and rubbed it, but I didn't know it at that time. I drove away directly. Is it escape?


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  • 2024-06-14 12:00:48

    This situation is called escape. Identification of hit and run behavior: 1. The perpetrator drives or abandons his car to escape from the scene of the accident knowing that a traffic accident has occurred; 2. The perpetrator is suspected of drunkenness and driving without a license, fails to perform the obligation of waiting for treatment at the scene after reporting the case, and returns after abandoning the car and leaving the scene of the accident; 3. The perpetrator sent the injured person to the hospital, but did not report the case and left the hospital without reason; 4. Although the perpetrator sent the injured person to the hospital, he left the injured person or his family members with a false name, address and contact information before leaving the hospital; 5. The perpetrator escapes during the investigation; 6. The actor leaves the scene of the accident and does not admit that a traffic accident has occurred, but there is evidence to prove that he should know about the traffic accident. If a party to a traffic accident who has the above behaviors of escaping after causing a traffic accident can voluntarily surrender to the traffic control department or other public security departments and truthfully disclose the facts of the crime after escaping after causing a traffic accident and waiting for handling, it can still be considered as surrendering after escaping after causing a traffic accident. Then let's extend this issue to the following: The Regulations on the Implementation of the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates that: Article 91 The traffic management department of the public security organ shall determine the responsibility of the parties according to the role of the behavior of the parties to the traffic accident in the traffic accident and the severity of the fault. Article 92 If a party escapes after a traffic accident, the party who escapes shall bear full responsibility. However, if there is evidence to prove that the other party is also at fault, the liability may be mitigated. Any party who intentionally destroys, forges the scene or destroys evidence shall bear full responsibility. The Provisions on the Handling Procedure of Road Traffic Accidents stipulates that: Article 106 If the people's courts and the people's procuratorates need to provide relevant evidence when trying and reviewing road traffic accident cases, the traffic management department of the public security organ shall, within three days from the date of receiving the official letter of file transfer, or according to the time limit requirements, The original of the investigation materials of the road traffic accident cases shall be transferred to the people's court or the people's procuratorate. Article 107 The traffic control department of the public security organ shall commend and reward the persons and units that have provided effective clues or assistance to the people who have found the hit and run vehicles and personnel.

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