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Time limit for handling traffic accidents

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Time limit for handling traffic accidents


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  • 2024-06-12 02:00:49

    The time limit for handling traffic accidents is generally 10 days. The traffic management department of the public security organ shall prepare a traffic accident identification letter within 10 days from the date of inspecting the scene for traffic accidents that have been inspected. If it is necessary to conduct inspection and appraisal, a traffic accident identification letter shall be prepared within 5 days from the date when the inspection and appraisal results are determined.
    If the parties have a dispute over the compensation for the damage caused by the traffic accident, and all parties unanimously request the traffic management department of the public security organ for mediation, they shall submit a written mediation application within 10 days from the date of receiving the letter of confirmation of the traffic accident.
    In case of death due to a traffic accident, mediation shall begin from the day when the funeral is completed; In case of injury caused by a traffic accident, mediation shall begin from the date of the end of treatment or determination of disability; If property loss is caused by a traffic accident, mediation shall begin from the date when the loss is determined.
    The time limit for the traffic management department of the public security organ to mediate the dispute over compensation for traffic accident damage is 10 days. If an agreement is reached through mediation, the traffic management department of the public security organ shall prepare a mediation statement and send it to all parties. The mediation statement shall take effect after being signed by all parties; If no agreement is reached through mediation, the traffic control department of the public security organ shall prepare a mediation termination statement and send it to the parties concerned.
    What is the time limit for making the accident identification?
    The traffic management department of the public security organ may apply simple procedures to deal with road traffic accidents that have not caused casualties and the facts are clear, and issue an accident identification certificate on the spot. The dispute over compensation for damages can be mediated on the spot. For complex traffic accidents:
    (1) For a traffic accident that has undergone an inquest or inspection of the scene, a written confirmation of the traffic accident shall be made within ten days from the date of the scene investigation.
    (2) If a person escapes from a traffic accident, a traffic accident identification certificate shall be made within ten days after the person and vehicle who escaped from the traffic accident are found.
    (3) If it is necessary to conduct inspection and appraisal, a traffic accident identification letter shall be made within five days after the inspection, appraisal or re inspection and appraisal results are determined.
    (4) If the escaping person and vehicle in the traffic accident are not found, and the party concerned in the traffic accident damage compensation requests (a written application) to issue a letter of identification of the traffic accident, the traffic management department of the public security organ may, within ten days after receiving the written application of the party concerned in the traffic accident damage compensation, prepare a letter of identification of the traffic accident, which shall specify the time, place The situation of the victim and the facts obtained from the investigation, if there is evidence to prove that the victim is at fault, the responsibility of the victim shall be determined; If there is no evidence to prove that the victim is at fault, it shall be determined that the victim is not responsible. And served on the party concerned for compensation for traffic accident damage.
    If it is impossible to verify the facts of the traffic accident, the traffic management department of the public security organ shall prepare a traffic accident certificate, which shall specify the time and place of the traffic accident, the situation of the party concerned and the facts obtained from the investigation, and shall be delivered to the party concerned respectively.
    To sum up, there are not only deadlines for handling traffic accidents, but also different deadlines for different types and natures of traffic accidents. I hope it will be helpful to you.

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