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What is the difference between the subject and object of real right

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What is the difference between the subject and object of real right


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  • 2024-06-19 20:00:04

    The meaning is different. The subject of real right refers to the person who enjoys rights and assumes corresponding obligations. The object refers to the object that the rights and obligations of the subject jointly point to. Real right means that the obligee has the right to directly control and exclude specific things according to law, including ownership, usufruct and security interest.

    Article 114 of the Civil Code [Definition and type of real right] Civil subjects enjoy real right according to law. Real right refers to the right holder's right to directly control and exclude specific things according to law, including ownership, usufruct and security interest.

    Article 115 [Object of real right] of the Civil Code includes immovable property and movable property. Where the law stipulates that a right is the object of real right, such provisions shall prevail.

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