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How long can the payment of compulsory vehicle insurance be delayed

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How long can the payment of compulsory vehicle insurance be delayed


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  • 2024-06-14 16:01:41

    It can't be postponed.
    1. According to the provisions of the Compulsory Automobile Traffic Accident Liability Insurance Clause: Unless otherwise stipulated by national laws and administrative regulations, the insurance period of the compulsory traffic insurance contract is one year, subject to the start and end time specified in the insurance policy. If the owner or manager of a motor vehicle fails to purchase the compulsory liability insurance for motor vehicle accidents in accordance with the regulations, the traffic management department of the public security organ shall detain the motor vehicle, notify the owner or manager of the motor vehicle to purchase the insurance in accordance with the regulations, and impose a fine of twice the amount of the insurance premium that should be paid for the minimum liability insurance in accordance with the regulations.
    2. In order to prevent compulsory traffic insurance from being released, the premium can be paid in advance. Generally, the payment can be made within 30 days before the expiration. The effective date of the policy after payment corresponds to the deadline of the previous insurance. According to the regulations, vehicles without compulsory traffic insurance are not allowed on the road. If the owner or manager of a motor vehicle fails to buy a compulsory vehicle insurance as required and is found by the public security traffic management department, the public security traffic management department may impose a fine of twice the amount of the insurance premium payable according to the minimum liability limit that the vehicle should be insured.
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