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The national basic pension standard is

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The national basic pension standard is


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  • 2024-06-16 13:00:00

    The basic old-age insurance benefits of residents consist of basic pension and individual account pension. The standard of basic pension is determined by the central and local governments and paid in full to eligible insured persons. The minimum standard of basic pension in our city is reasonably determined according to provincial regulations, per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents, financial status and other factors. Appropriate preference will be given to urban and rural residents aged 65 and above who are insured.

    According to the individual payment level of the current residents' basic endowment insurance, for those who choose to pay the standard of 300 yuan or less, the subsidy standard is 30 yuan per person per year; For those who choose the standard payment of 500 yuan or 600 yuan, the subsidy standard is 60 yuan per person per year; For those who choose the standard payment of 800 to 1000 yuan, the subsidy standard is 100 yuan per person per year.

    For those who choose the standard payment of 1500 to 2000 yuan, the subsidy standard is 150 yuan per person per year; For those who choose to pay 2500 yuan or more, the subsidy standard is 200 yuan per person per year. The above subsidies shall be borne by the county (city, district) government. Encourage collective economic organizations to increase payment subsidies, and encourage other social organizations, charitable organizations and individuals to pay more subsidies for the insured.

    Legal basis

    Article 10 of the Full Text of the Social Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China, employees shall participate in basic endowment insurance, and the employer and employees shall jointly pay basic endowment insurance premiums. Individual businesses without employees, part-time employees who do not participate in basic endowment insurance in the employer and other flexible employees can participate in basic endowment insurance, and the basic endowment insurance premium shall be paid by individuals. The measures for old-age insurance for civil servants and staff members who are managed with reference to the Civil Servant Law shall be formulated by the State Council.

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