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Is the contract a well-known contract

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Is the contract a well-known contract


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  • 2024-06-06 07:00:03

    A contract is a well-known contract. Well known contract refers to a contract that has a certain name according to its type in law or in economic life, also known as a typical contract. The contract refers to the price agreed by the buyer and the seller for infrastructure products in economic activities, which is determined by both parties through negotiation in the form of a contract; The contract is a contractual document that determines the rights and obligations of both parties and is protected by law. Because the Civil Code stipulates the contract, it is a well-known contract.

    [Legal Basis]

    Article 333 of the Civil Code states that the right to land contractual management is established when the contract for the right to land contractual management takes effect.

    The registration authority shall issue certificates such as land contract management certificate and forest right certificate to the person with the right to land contract management, register and record them, and confirm the right to land contract management.

    Article 334 of the Civil Code states that the holder of the right to land contractual management has the right to exchange and transfer the right to land contractual management in accordance with the law. Without legal approval, the contracted land shall not be used for non-agricultural construction.

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