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Is there any self-defense in China? Is it impossible to fight back after being beaten by many people

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Is there any self-defense in China? Is it impossible to fight back after being beaten by many people


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  • 2024-06-14 18:00:01

    There is justifiable defense in China, but whether it is justifiable defense depends on the actual situation of the case at that time. If justifiable defense obviously exceeds the limits of necessity and causes serious damage, criminal responsibility shall be borne, but punishment shall be mitigated or exempted. What does justifiable defense mean? Article 20 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, justifiable defense: an act taken to stop an unlawful infringement in order to protect the interests of the state, the public, or one's own or another's personal, property and other rights from the ongoing unlawful infringement, which causes damage to the perpetrator, is justifiable defense and shall not bear criminal responsibility. If justifiable defense obviously exceeds the limits of necessity and causes serious damage, criminal responsibility shall be borne, but punishment shall be mitigated or exempted. If a person takes defensive action against an on-going murder, murder, robbery, rape, kidnapping or other violent crime that seriously endangers personal safety, resulting in casualties of the unlawful infringer, such act does not constitute excessive defense, and he shall not bear criminal responsibility. The above is about whether there is legal knowledge about self-defense in China, whether it is impossible to fight back even if multiple people hit you. Have you learned it?

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