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Will the insurance company compensate for injuries caused by drunk driving?

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Will the insurance company compensate for injuries caused by drunk driving?


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  • 2024-06-13 14:00:57

    Will the insurance company compensate for injuries caused by drunk driving?
    Will the insurance company compensate for injuries caused by drunk driving? The insurance company will not compensate for the injury caused by drunk driving, but the insurance company will pay in advance for the injury caused, and then recover from the injured person. According to the Compulsory Insurance Clauses for Traffic Accident Liability of Motor Vehicles: Article 9 If the insured motor vehicle has a traffic accident under one of the circumstances (I) to (IV) of this Article, and the victim is injured and needs rescue, the insurer shall receive the written notice from the traffic management department of the public security organ and the list of rescue expenses issued by the medical institution. Verification shall be carried out in accordance with the guidelines for clinical diagnosis and treatment of traumas caused by traffic accidents and the national basic medical insurance standards organized and formulated by the competent health department under the State Council. For the rescue expenses that meet the requirements, the insurer shall pay in advance within the limit of medical expenses compensation. If the insured is not responsible for the traffic accident, the insurer shall pay in advance within the limit of compensation for medical expenses without liability. The insurer shall not be responsible for advance payment and compensation for other losses and expenses. (1) The driver has not obtained driving qualification; (2) The driver is drunk; (3) The insured motor vehicle causes an accident during theft and robbery; (4) The insured intentionally creates a traffic accident. The insurer shall have the right to recover from the person who caused the damage for the advanced rescue expenses. Do you understand this explanation?

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