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What is copyright?

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What is copyright?


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  • 2024-06-18 22:00:00

    Copyright is also called "copyright". It refers to the rights enjoyed by the author or other persons (including legal persons) in accordance with the law on a certain crop. According to the regulations, the author enjoys the following rights: 1. To publish a work under his or her own name, pseudonym or without signature; 2. Protect the integrity of the work; 3. Revise a published work; 4. Declare to take back the published work due to change of opinion or other justified reasons, but shall appropriately compensate the publishing unit for losses; 5. Use the work through legal channels in the form of publication, reproduction, broadcast, performance, exhibition, film production, translation or adaptation; 6. Economic remuneration for the use of a work by others. If the above rights are infringed, the author or other copyright owners have the right to request to stop the infringement and compensate for losses.

    According to Article 10 of the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China, copyright includes the following personal rights and property rights: (1) the right of publication, that is, the right to decide whether a work should be made public; (2) The right of authorship is the right to indicate the authorship and to affix one's name to a work; (3) The right of modification, that is, the right to modify or authorize others to modify their works; (4) The right to protect the integrity of works, that is, the right to protect works from distortion and tampering; (5) The right of reproduction, that is, the right to make one or more copies of a work by printing, photocopying, rubbing, recording, videotaping, duplicating, or photographing; (6) The right of distribution, that is, the right to provide the original or copy of a work to the public by way of sale or donation; (7) The right to lease, that is, the right to authorize others to temporarily use a cinematographic work or a work created by a method similar to film production, and computer software, except that computer software is not the main object of the lease; (8) The right of exhibition, that is, the right to publicly display the originals or copies of artistic works and photographic works; (9) The right of performance, that is, the right to publicly perform a work and to publicly broadcast the performance of a work by various means; (10) Projection right, that is, the right to publicly reproduce art, photography, films and works created by means similar to film production through projector, slide projector and other technical equipment; (11) The right of broadcasting refers to the right to broadcast or disseminate works to the public in a wireless manner, to disseminate works of broadcasting to the public in a wired or rebroadcast manner, and to disseminate works of broadcasting to the public through loudspeakers or other similar means of transmitting symbols, sounds and images; (12) The right of information network communication, that is, the right to make works available to the public by wire or wireless means so that the public can obtain the works at the time and place selected by themselves; (13) The right of production, that is, the right to fix a work on a carrier by making a film or by a similar method; (14) The right of adaptation, that is, the right to change a work and create a new original work; (15) The right of translation, that is, the right to convert a work from one language to another; (16) The right to assemble, that is, the right to merge a work or a fragment of a work into a new work through selection or arrangement; (17) Other rights that should be enjoyed by copyright owners. The copyright owner may authorize others to exercise the rights specified in items (5) to (17) of the preceding paragraph and obtain remuneration in accordance with the agreement or the relevant provisions of this Law. The copyright owner may transfer, in whole or in part, the rights provided for in subparagraphs (5) to (17) of the first paragraph of this Article and receive remuneration in accordance with the agreement or the relevant provisions of this Law.

    To sum up, do you know what copyright is!

    Legal basis

    Article 10 of the Copyright Law includes the following personal rights and property rights:
    (1) The right of publication is the right to decide whether a work should be made public;
    (2) The right of authorship is the right to indicate the authorship and to affix one's name to a work;
    (3) The right of modification, that is, the right to modify or authorize others to modify their works;
    (4) The right to protect the integrity of works, that is, the right to protect works from distortion and tampering;
    (5) The right of reproduction, that is, the right to make one or more copies of a work by printing, photocopying, rubbing, recording, videotaping, duplicating, or photographing;
    (6) The right of distribution, that is, the right to provide the original or copy of a work to the public by way of sale or donation;
    (7) The right to lease, that is, the right to authorize others to temporarily use a cinematographic work or a work created by a method similar to film production, and computer software, except that computer software is not the main object of the lease;
    (8) The right of exhibition, that is, the right to publicly display the originals or copies of artistic works and photographic works;
    (9) The right of performance, that is, the right to publicly perform a work and to publicly broadcast the performance of a work by various means;
    (10) Projection right, that is, the right to publicly reproduce art, photography, films and works created by means similar to film production through projector, slide projector and other technical equipment;
    (11) The right of broadcasting refers to the right to broadcast or disseminate works to the public in a wireless manner, to disseminate works of broadcasting to the public in a wired or rebroadcast manner, and to disseminate works of broadcasting to the public through loudspeakers or other similar means of transmitting symbols, sounds and images;
    (12) The right of information network communication, that is, the right to make works available to the public by wire or wireless means so that the public can obtain the works at the time and place selected by themselves;
    (13) The right of production, that is, the right to fix a work on a carrier by making a film or by a similar method;
    (14) The right of adaptation, that is, the right to change a work and create a new original work;
    (15) The right of translation, that is, the right to convert a work from one language to another;
    (16) The right to assemble, that is, the right to merge a work or a fragment of a work into a new work through selection or arrangement;
    (17) Other rights that should be enjoyed by copyright owners.
    The copyright owner may authorize others to exercise the rights specified in items (5) to (17) of the preceding paragraph and obtain remuneration in accordance with the agreement or the relevant provisions of this Law.
    The copyright owner may transfer, in whole or in part, the rights provided for in subparagraphs (5) to (17) of the first paragraph of this Article and receive remuneration in accordance with the agreement or the relevant provisions of this Law.

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