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How do consumers find consumer associations to protect their rights

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How do consumers find consumer associations to protect their rights


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  • 2024-06-11 15:00:02

    1. Consumers who complain to consumer associations should make written complaints, and some consumer associations can also accept complaints by fax;
    2. Consumers who complain to consumer associations should have a clear object of complaint, that is, the complained party, and provide an accurate address;
    3. Consumers who complain to consumer associations should have clear reasons for complaints, have their own clear requirements, and ensure that the facts are true;
    4. When a consumer complains to a consumer association, he or she shall provide a copy of the evidence for purchasing goods and receiving services and relevant supporting materials;
    5. When a consumer complains to a consumer association, he or she should leave an address and telephone number that are convenient for contact. In order to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests in a timely manner, consumers should first consult the local consumer association by telephone before making a complaint, and then submit written complaint materials to request mediation.

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