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How to write the divorce document when the woman files a separate lawsuit

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How to write the divorce document when the woman files a separate lawsuit


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  • 2024-06-14 19:01:43

    (1) The marriage status shall specify when and where the marriage is registered; How to get to know each other, whether it is a free love or an introduction, or an arranged marriage or a business marriage, whether it is a first marriage or a remarriage; Whether there are children after marriage, their age and other information; Whether to live apart now, how long to live apart, etc.
    (2) The reasons for divorce should include: what is the basis of marriage, whether it is good or bad, or ordinary; How about the feelings after marriage; Whether the defendant often quarrels, the main reasons and process of the quarrels, and the current attitude of the defendant; Whether it has been mediated by both units or neighborhood committees and other grass-roots organizations, and how effective is the mediation; Have you ever filed a lawsuit in the court before? The court will handle the result. If the divorce case is caused by the involvement of a third party, the prosecution must provide evidence, the name and address of the witness. In a word, in this part, we should put forward sufficient reasons for asking for divorce.
    (3) In the claim part, one's own attitude towards divorce, how to raise children after divorce, how to bear maintenance fees, and how to dispose of the family's common property should be stated.
    Indicate the name delivered to the people's court at the time of prosecution, the plaintiff's signature or seal, and the time of prosecution. The indictment is in triplicate. The people's court requires two copies and keeps one copy for itself. Add copies of ID card, marriage certificate and other materials to the court.
    So what materials do you need to sue for divorce?
    1. Write a divorce petition
    2. Evidence required for the preparation of litigation The evidence mentioned here mainly refers to the evidence of domestic violence, marriage certificate, ID card, the original and copy of the child's household registration or birth certificate, and the evidence related to property, including the original and copy of the property certificate.
    3. Take two copies of the indictment prepared before and two originals and copies of evidence materials to the court where the defendant's domicile or both parties have resided for more than one year, and go to the filing court to handle relevant procedures.
    4. The filing court shall review whether to accept the divorce case, pay the litigation fees, go home, etc.
    5. After accepting the divorce case, the court will serve a copy of the indictment, evidence and other materials to the other party within the statutory time.
    6. Divorce mediation is a mandatory procedure stipulated by law, so if the other party agrees to divorce, the court will organize both parties to conduct divorce mediation.
    7. At the hearing, both parties can entrust lawyers or other agents, and the court will decide whether to grant divorce according to the evidence and claims provided by both parties, and make decisions on child rearing, property division and other aspects. To sum up, the above is the answer to the relevant legal knowledge about how to write a divorce petition. Do you know it clearly? A civil action brought against a citizen under Article 22 of the Civil Procedure Law shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's court in the place where the defendant has his domicile; If the defendant's domicile is different from his habitual residence, it shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's court in the place of his habitual residence. A civil action brought against a legal person or other organization shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's court in the place where the defendant has his domicile. If several defendants in the same lawsuit have their domiciles or habitual residences under the jurisdiction of two or more people's courts, each of those people's courts has jurisdiction.

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