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How to open a birth certificate

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How to open a birth certificate


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  • 2024-06-25 01:00:59

    The birth certificate of the child must be handled in the hospital where the child was born, and it must be handled in time according to the time specified by the hospital. Before handling, ask about the hospital's handling time. Some hospitals can not handle it every day. There is a specific time for handling. In some cases, there is only one day of handling time a week. The certification materials that need to be prepared for issuing a birth certificate include:
    1. ID cards of both parents. The name, birth date and other information on the ID card must be consistent with the information name entered during hospitalization. The ID card must be a valid second-generation ID card.
    2. Marriage certificate. But you don't need to bring two marriage certificates at the same time, just one.
    3. Birth permit. The birth permit is only used as the reimbursement certificate of the hospital. It is not a necessary certificate to handle the birth certificate. It is optional. Without the birth permit, you can also handle the birth certificate.
    4. Settlement list at discharge. The hospitalization list is a valid proof that the child was born in the hospital.


    2024-06-25 01:00:59

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