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Can single people get provident fund loans

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Can single people get provident fund loans


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  • 2024-06-19 06:01:32

    Single people can apply for housing provident fund to buy houses.
    Conditions for applying for provident fund loan:
    1. Employees with permanent urban residence or valid residence identity certificate;
    2. At the time of application, the housing provident fund has been normally deposited in the provident fund center for more than 6 consecutive months, and no provident fund has been withdrawn to pay the down payment for the purchased housing, and there is no provident fund loan balance;
    3. There is a contract or agreement for the purchase of housing, and the down payment amount is not less than the specified proportion of the value of the purchased housing;
    4. Have a relatively stable career and economic income, have the corresponding loan repayment ability, and have good personal credit;
    5. There are assets recognized by the provident fund center as collateral or pledge, or a unit with sufficient compensatory capacity as guarantor;
    6. Other conditions stipulated by the provident fund center.
    Article 26 of Regulations on the Administration of Housing Provident Fund
    Employees who have deposited housing provident fund can apply for housing provident fund loans to the Housing Provident Fund Management Center when purchasing, building, rebuilding or overhauling their own housing. The Housing Provident Fund Management Center shall, within 15 days from the date of accepting the application, make a decision on whether to grant or not to grant loans and notify the applicant; If the loan is approved, the entrusted bank shall handle the loan procedures. The risk of housing fund loan shall be borne by the housing fund management center.

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