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What is the meeting system of the grassroots trade union committee?

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What is the meeting system of the grassroots trade union committee?


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  • 2024-06-14 17:00:01

    What is the meeting system of the grassroots trade union committee? The general assembly or representative assembly of trade unions is the highest authority of grass-roots trade unions. According to the provisions of Article 16 of the Trade Union Law, the grass-roots trade union committee regularly holds a general meeting or a representative meeting of members to discuss and decide on major issues of trade union work. Upon the proposal of the grass-roots trade union committee or more than one third of the trade union members, a general meeting or representative meeting of members may be held temporarily. This regulation clarifies the meeting system of the grassroots trade union committee. The grass-roots trade union committee should have a certain working system, one of the important contents of which is that the trade union should regularly hold a general meeting or a representative meeting of members to discuss and decide on major issues in the work of the trade union. The general meeting or representative meeting of members of grass-roots trade union organizations shall be held at least once a year. In addition to holding regular meetings, when encountering some temporary important issues, such as enterprise restructuring, staff diversion, major changes involving the interests of employees, etc., which should be decided by the general meeting or the representative meeting of members, the grassroots trade union committee can decide to hold a meeting for discussion and decision, not by a few people. It should be noted that the general legal nature of a trade union with the nature of a trade union committee is an association legal person. The All China Federation of Trade Unions, local federations of trade unions and industrial trade unions have the status of legal persons as social organizations. Grass roots trade union organizations that meet the legal person conditions specified in the Civil Code and the Trade Union Law of the People's Republic of China shall acquire the legal person status of social organizations according to law. Trade union organizations with legal personality independently enjoy civil rights and bear civil obligations according to law. Enterprises, public institutions, and government agencies that establish trade unions, as well as trade unions and enterprises and public institutions invested by trade unions, are independent legal entities according to laws and judicial interpretations, and should bear their own civil liabilities. As a group of employers' counterparts, employers' counterparts' talents are the substantive qualification requirements to become members of trade unions. Employers and their representatives or agents who do not belong to employers' counterparts should not have membership qualifications.


    2024-06-14 17:00:01

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