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What is the tax quota of individual households after April 1, 2019?

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What is the tax quota of individual households after April 1, 2019?


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  • 2024-06-14 07:01:45

    What is the tax quota of individual households after April 1, 2019?
    What is the tax quota of individual households after April 1, 2019? If it is a small-scale case, VAT and surtax will be exempted if the income excluding tax is less than 100000 yuan, and 3.36% of VAT and surtax will be paid if the income excluding tax is 100000 yuan or more; Individual income tax shall be collected by verification and stamp tax shall be paid by 3/10000 or 5/10000 of the income. From January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2021, you can enjoy a 50% reduction in the amount of 100000 * 0.0003 * 0.5=15 yuan. Do you understand this?

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