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Does the law stipulate that the unit must pay housing provident fund for employees?

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Does the law stipulate that the unit must pay housing provident fund for employees?


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  • 2024-06-13 14:00:58

    Does the law stipulate that the unit must pay housing provident fund for employees?
    Does the law stipulate that the unit must pay housing provident fund for employees? 1、 The law stipulates that the unit shall pay housing provident fund for employees. 2、 According to Article 15 of the Regulations on the Administration of Housing Provident Fund, the unit that hires employees shall, within 30 days from the date of employment, go through the payment registration at the Housing Provident Fund Management Center, and go through the procedures for the establishment or transfer of the employee's housing provident fund account at the entrusted bank with the examination documents of the Housing Provident Fund Management Center. If the unit terminates the labor relationship with the employee, the unit shall, within 30 days from the date of termination of the labor relationship, go through the change registration at the Housing Provident Fund Management Center, and go through the procedures of transferring or sealing the employee's housing provident fund account at the entrusted bank with the approval document of the Housing Provident Fund Management Center. Article 20 The unit shall pay the housing provident fund on time and in full amount, and shall not pay the housing provident fund overdue or underpaid. Article 38 If the unit fails to pay or underpays the housing provident fund within the time limit in violation of the provisions of these Regulations, the housing provident fund management center shall order it to pay within a time limit; If it still fails to deposit the money within the time limit, it may apply to the people's court for compulsory execution. Do you understand this explanation?

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