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What are the regulations on the time of reporting the handling of unknown corpses in railway traffic accidents

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What are the regulations on the time of reporting the handling of unknown corpses in railway traffic accidents


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  • 2024-06-30 01:00:03

    The traffic management department of the public security organ shall, within 10 days from the date of inspecting the scene, prepare a traffic accident identification letter for the traffic accidents that have passed the inspection and examination. If it is necessary to conduct inspection and appraisal, a traffic accident identification letter shall be prepared within 5 days from the date when the inspection and appraisal results are determined.
    If the parties have a dispute over the compensation for the damage caused by the traffic accident, and all parties unanimously request the traffic management department of the public security organ for mediation, they shall submit a written mediation application within 10 days from the date of receiving the letter of confirmation of the traffic accident.
    If a person is killed in a traffic accident, mediation starts from the day when the funeral is completed, and causes injury to the traffic accident; if mediation starts from the day when the treatment ends or the disability is determined, mediation starts from the day when the loss is determined.
    The time limit for the traffic management department of the public security organ to mediate the dispute over compensation for traffic accident damage is 10 days. If an agreement is reached through mediation, the traffic management department of the public security organ shall prepare a mediation statement and send it to all parties. If the mediation statement becomes effective after being signed by all parties and no agreement is reached through mediation, the traffic management department of the public security organ shall prepare a mediation conclusion statement and send it to all parties.
    Article 65 of the Provisions on Road Traffic Accident Handling Procedures The road traffic accident confirmation shall be delivered to the parties within three days after it is made, and the right and time limit to apply for review, mediation and civil litigation shall be informed.
    After receiving the letter of confirmation of road traffic accident, the party concerned may consult, copy and extract the evidence materials of the traffic management department of the public security organ dealing with the road traffic accident, but if the witness requires confidentiality or involves state secrets, trade secrets and personal privacy, the provisions of relevant laws and regulations shall apply. The traffic management department of the public security organ shall affix the special seal for accident handling of the traffic management department of the public security organ to the evidence materials copied by the party concerned.
    Article 66 of the Provisions on the Procedures for Handling Road Traffic Accidents If the case of hit and run has not been solved and the injured party requests to issue a road traffic accident identification letter, the traffic management department of the public security organ shall, within ten days after receiving the written application from the party concerned, determine the responsibilities of each party in accordance with Article 61 of these Provisions, and prepare a road traffic accident identification letter, And served on the injured party. The road traffic accident identification letter shall specify the time and place of the accident, the situation of the victim, the facts obtained from the investigation, and the responsibility of the injured party.
    After the case of hit and run traffic accident is solved, if a road traffic accident identification letter has been made in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the responsibility shall be re determined in accordance with Article 61 of these Provisions, and a road traffic accident identification letter shall be made and delivered to the parties respectively. In addition to the contents specified in Article 64 of these Provisions, the road traffic accident identification letter that has been re produced shall also indicate the cancellation of the original road traffic accident identification letter.
    Article 69 of the Provisions on the Procedures for Handling Road Traffic Accidents, where a personal injury accident meets the following conditions, and all parties unanimously apply in writing for rapid handling, a road traffic accident determination letter may be made within five days from the date of application by the parties, based on the evidence already obtained, with the approval of the person in charge of the traffic management department of the public security organ at or above the county level:
    (1) The party concerned is not suspected of causing traffic accidents or dangerous driving crimes
    (2) The basic facts and causes of road traffic accidents are clear, and the parties have no objection.


    2024-06-30 01:00:03

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