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Materials required for withdrawing provident fund

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Materials required for withdrawing provident fund


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  • 2024-06-19 01:00:55

    The reasons for withdrawing provident fund are different, and the materials to be provided are also different. The main materials to be provided are:
    1. For the purchase of newly-built commercial housing, provide the housing ownership certificate or the housing purchase contract and payment certificate filed by the real estate administrative department;
    2. For the purchase of second-hand houses, the house purchase agreement or house ownership certificate and deed tax payment certificate filed with the real estate administrative department shall be provided;
    3. In case of building or rebuilding houses, the approval documents and payment vouchers of the planning department for building or rebuilding houses shall be provided;
    4. In case of overhaul of self occupied housing, provide the housing safety appraisal certificate, housing ownership certificate, project budget and final account and payment certificate issued by a qualified institution;
    5. In case of repayment of the principal and interest of the housing loan, the housing purchase contract, loan contract and repayment certificate issued by the bank filed by the real estate administrative department shall be provided;
    6. In case of renting a self occupied house, the house leasing contract, rent invoice and family income certificate registered and filed with the housing management department shall be provided;
    7. In case of retirement, provide the certificate of retirement or the relevant certificate issued by the labor and personnel department;
    8. For those who want to settle down abroad, the certificate of cancellation of household registration or the certificate of settling down abroad shall be provided;
    9. In case of death or declaration of death, the legal heir or legatee shall provide the certificate of death or declaration of death of the depositor, the identity card of the heir or legatee, the certificate of inheritance or legatee, and the notarial certificate;
    10. For those who enjoy the minimum living security, the minimum living security certificate issued by the civil affairs department shall be provided;
    11. In case of complete or partial loss of labor capacity and termination of labor relationship with the unit, provide the labor capacity appraisal certificate issued by the human resources and social security department, the unit's labor contract termination certificate or unemployment certificate;
    12. Other situations and materials specified by the Municipal Housing Provident Fund Management Center according to relevant laws and regulations.
    Article 2 of the Regulations on the Administration of Housing Provident Fund stipulates that these Regulations are applicable to the deposit, withdrawal, use, management and supervision of housing provident fund within the territory of the People's Republic of China.
    The term "housing fund" as mentioned in these Regulations refers to the long-term housing fund deposited by state organs, state-owned enterprises, urban collective enterprises, foreign-invested enterprises, urban private enterprises and other urban enterprises, public institutions, private non enterprise units, social organizations (hereinafter collectively referred to as units) and their employees.
    Article 3 stipulates that the housing provident fund deposited by the individual employee and the housing provident fund deposited by the employer for the employee belong to the individual employee.


    2024-06-19 01:00:55

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