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Is arrest still in the investigation stage?

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Is arrest still in the investigation stage?


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  • 2024-06-12 08:00:48

    Is arrest still in the investigation stage? It belongs to the investigation stage, including the detention stage and the period after arrest and before the case is transferred to the procuratorate. The case handling process of the public security organ in the investigation stage: 1. Accept and file the case. The public security organ shall prepare the Registration Form of Accepting Criminal Cases after receiving and inquiring about the circumstances of citizens' seizure, reporting, accusation, reporting or criminal suspects' voluntary surrender. After examination, if it is not enough for criminal punishment and needs to be given administrative treatment, it shall be handled according to law, and criminal responsibility shall be investigated, and the Criminal Case Registration Report shall be prepared under its own jurisdiction. 2. Conduct investigation. Collect and obtain evidence; Interrogate criminal suspects; Examining witnesses; Conduct inspection; Carry out a search; Seize and detain material evidence, documentary evidence, etc. 3. Compulsory measures for investigation. Such as summoning by force, obtaining a guarantor pending trial, residential surveillance, detention and arrest. 4. Investigation ended. If the public security organ finds that the criminal suspect does not constitute a crime and has taken compulsory measures after the investigation is completed, it shall release him and issue a certificate. If a crime is suspected, the public security organ shall, after the investigation is concluded, transfer the case to the People's Procuratorate in time for examination and prosecution. Do you understand that?

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