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Can I handle the passbook of housing provident fund by myself?

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Can I handle the passbook of housing provident fund by myself?


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  • 2024-06-18 21:00:02

    The passbook of housing provident fund cannot be handled by oneself. The passbook of housing provident fund is a long-term valid voucher for employees to pay housing provident fund. The passbook of housing provident fund must be applied to the provident fund center, and the provident fund center will notify the bank to handle it after it is approved. Individual cards can be handled uniformly on the premise that the unit agrees to apply, but the provident fund center will not handle them for individuals. Individual businesses and freelancers in cities and towns can apply for housing provident fund, and the proportion of housing provident fund paid by employees and units shall not be less than 5% of the average monthly salary of employees in the previous year.

    According to the provisions of Article 25 of the Regulations on the Administration of Housing Provident Fund, if an employee withdraws the deposit balance in the housing provident fund account, his/her unit shall verify it and issue a withdrawal certificate. Employees shall apply to the Housing Provident Fund Management Center for withdrawal of housing provident fund with the withdrawal certificate. The Housing Provident Fund Management Center shall, within 3 days from the date of accepting the application, make a decision on whether to allow or not to withdraw, and notify the applicant; If the withdrawal is approved, the entrusted bank shall handle the payment procedures.

    Housing provident fund refers to the long-term housing reserve deposited by state organs, state-owned enterprises, urban collective enterprises, foreign-invested enterprises, urban private enterprises and other urban enterprises, public institutions, private non enterprise units, social organizations and their employees. The passbook of housing provident fund shall be obtained from the management center and handed over to the employee for personal custody when the unit handles the registration of the first payment for the employee. Employees can take their own passbook of housing provident fund to pay and withdraw their own housing provident fund at any time. At the same time, employees need to provide the passbook of housing provident fund when handling the withdrawal, loan or inquiry of housing provident fund.

    To sum up, the passbook of housing provident fund cannot be handled by yourself.

    Legal basis

    Article 25 of the Regulations on the Administration of Housing Provident Fund: If an employee withdraws the deposit balance in the housing provident fund account, his/her unit shall verify it and issue a withdrawal certificate. Employees shall apply to the Housing Provident Fund Management Center for withdrawal of housing provident fund with the withdrawal certificate. The Housing Provident Fund Management Center shall, within 3 days from the date of accepting the application, make a decision on whether to allow or not to withdraw, and notify the applicant; If the withdrawal is approved, the entrusted bank shall handle the payment procedures.


    2024-06-18 21:00:02

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