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Is there any salary for being dismissed

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Is there any salary for being dismissed


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  • 2024-06-09 05:01:42

    Dismissal from the company is paid. Our country implements the system of equal pay for equal work. As long as employees have carried out normal work, employers should pay corresponding wages. Wages shall be paid monthly to the workers themselves in the form of currency. Workers' wages shall not be deducted or delayed without reason.
    Legal basis
    Article 46 of the Labor Law shall follow the principle of distribution according to work and implement equal pay for equal work. Wages are gradually rising on the basis of economic development. The state exercises macro-control over the total amount of wages. Article 47 The employing unit shall, according to the characteristics of its production and operation and economic benefits, independently determine its own wage distribution method and wage level according to law. Article 50 Wages shall be paid monthly to labourers themselves in monetary form. Workers' wages shall not be deducted or delayed without reason.

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