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What should we pay attention to when signing an agency contract with a lawyer?

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What should we pay attention to when signing an agency contract with a lawyer?


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  • 2024-06-14 05:01:44

    What should we pay attention to when signing an agency contract with a lawyer?
    What should we pay attention to when signing an agency contract with a lawyer? 1. Entrustment contract is a common contract in daily life. In order to protect the legitimate and reasonable interests of the client, relevant terms should be clearly agreed, so when signing a contract, attention must be paid to the terms. 2. In the entrustment contract, the basic information of the entrusted affair should be accurately and detailedly agreed, especially the specific requirements of the entrusted affair, to ensure that the trustee can complete the entrusted affair well, and at the same time, the trustee must carry out activities within the scope of authorization of the principal. If the trustee exceeds the authority and causes losses to the principal, It shall compensate for the loss or reduce the corresponding remuneration of the client. Without the instruction of the trustee, the trustee shall not change the entrusted affair without authorization, nor shall he take the benefits generated from handling the entrusted affair as his own. 3. In the entrustment contract, the time limit shall be clearly agreed, and the trustee shall complete the entrusted affairs with quality and quantity guaranteed at the agreed time. If the trustee fails to complete the work on time due to his own fault, it will constitute a breach of contract, and if it causes losses to the trustor, he shall be liable for compensation. 4. If the commission contract is for value and the principal suffers losses due to the fault of the agent, the principal may claim compensation for the losses. However, if the trustee suffers undue losses due to the principal's improper instructions or other faults, such losses shall be borne by the principal itself. If the commission contract is gratuitous and the principal suffers losses due to the agent's intentional misconduct or gross negligence, the principal may claim compensation for the losses. 5. If the commission contract is paid, the time and method of payment of the remuneration shall be clearly stipulated in the contract. (1) The payment method of remuneration shall be clearly agreed, which shall be paid in cash or by bank transfer. (2) The time for payment of remuneration shall be clearly stipulated. After the entrusted affair is completed by the trustee, the trustor shall pay the agreed remuneration to the trustee. At the same time, the trustor shall also pay the relevant necessary expenses advanced by the trustee in handling the entrusted affairs. (3) It is expressly agreed that if the entrusted affair is not completed due to the fault of the trustee, the trustor may not pay remuneration or pay corresponding remuneration for the completed part. Do you understand this explanation?

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