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What are the risks of buying a house before marriage

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What are the risks of buying a house before marriage


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  • 2024-06-26 11:01:40

    1. The most disputes caused by buying a house before marriage are the distribution of houses after the relationship breaks down. When two people are in a good relationship, yours is mine and mine is yours. I think it will hurt feelings to care too much. In love, the house is generally owned by the person whose name is registered.
    2. When breaking up, if the house is registered in the name of the man and the woman has paid for it, the house will be owned by the man and the man will return the money to the woman. There is a premise here. Even if the woman has sufficient evidence to prove that she has paid the full house price, it is difficult to be guaranteed without evidence.
    3. If the house is registered in the name of two persons but the share is not recorded in the property right, and the two parties have not otherwise agreed on the share of the house, the house shall be half owned by one person.
    4. If the house is registered with the names of two people and the housing distribution proportion is agreed, one party needs to pay the down payment of the other party's expenses, and the value-added part of the house is divided according to the proportion of capital contribution.


    2024-06-26 11:01:40

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