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What are the specific conditions of rural homestead mortgage loans

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What are the specific conditions of rural homestead mortgage loans


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  • 2024-06-09 19:00:03

    The conditions of rural homestead mortgage loan are: the registration of mortgage should be based on the registration of the right to use homestead; Only the right to use house sites registered by the land administration department of the people's government at the county level can be mortgaged; There is no dispute about the ownership of the right to use homestead; The land is not included in the scope of land acquisition and demolition; Obtain the written consent of the collective economic organization where it is located; The borrower shall have other long-term stable residence; The borrower has full civil capacity and no bad credit record. Legal basis: Article 32 of the Provisional Regulations on the Assignment and Transfer of the Right to the Use of State owned Land in Cities and Towns can be mortgaged. Article 33 When the right to the use of the land is mortgaged, the above ground buildings and other attached objects shall be mortgaged accordingly. When the above ground buildings and other attached objects are mortgaged, the right to the use of the land within the scope of their use shall be mortgaged accordingly. Article 34 For the mortgage of the right to the use of the land, the mortgagor and the mortgagee shall sign a mortgage contract. The mortgage contract shall not violate the provisions of the laws and regulations of the State and the contract for assigning the right to the use of the land. Article 35. When the right to the use of the land and the above ground buildings and other attached objects are mortgaged, the mortgage registration shall be handled in accordance with the provisions.

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