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Does the lawyer on duty have the right to read papers

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Does the lawyer on duty have the right to read papers


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  • 2024-06-16 05:00:54

    Whether the lawyer on duty who provides legal aid has the right to read papers is not clearly stipulated in law. In criminal proceedings, if the criminal suspect is willing to hire a lawyer on duty or other lawyers to participate in the defense of the court trial, the costs shall be borne by the defendant upon the entrustment of the defendant; If they are unwilling to hire them, the state will provide the minimum counsel on duty and counsel for suggestions. However, the lawyer on duty may meet with the criminal suspect or defendant, and the detention house shall facilitate the meeting of the lawyer on duty.

    Legal basis

    Article 33 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Lawyers From the date when a criminal suspect is interrogated for the first time by an investigation organ or when compulsory measures are taken, the entrusted lawyer shall have the right to meet the criminal suspect and the defendant and learn about the relevant case on the strength of a lawyer's practice certificate, a certificate of a law firm and a letter of authorization or an official letter of legal aid. Lawyers meeting with criminal suspects and defendants shall not be monitored. "


    2024-06-16 05:00:54

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