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How often do you go home as a soldier

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How often do you go home as a soldier


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  • 2024-06-16 19:00:55

    The conscripts have no leave or home leave for two years. Non commissioned officers' leave is divided into home leave and leave. The Regulations specify that there are two types of leave enjoyed by non commissioned officers, namely home leave (visiting parents and spouses) and leave. The leave is only for senior non commissioned officers. The basic leave of home leave for non commissioned officers shall be determined according to the length of service and marital status: unmarried non commissioned officers shall enjoy two parental leave visits during their first grade tenure, each 20 days; Those above Grade II are entitled to visit their parents once a year for 30 days; Grade V NCOs take 20 days off every year, and Grade VI NCOs take 30 days off every year; Married non commissioned officers who do not live in the same place with their spouses are entitled to a 40 day leave to visit their spouses once a year; Those who do not live in the same place with their parents are entitled to a 20 day visit to their parents every two years. Non commissioned officers' home leave does not include the national statutory holidays.

    Legal basis

    Article 53 of the Military Service Law of the People's Republic of China provides for the proper placement of conscripts discharged from active service by means of self employment, job arrangement and support. Conscripts discharged from active service and employed on their own shall be given a one-time retirement pension in accordance with State regulations, which shall be accepted by the local people's government at or above the county level in the place where they are to be resettled, and may be given economic subsidies according to the actual local conditions. The state shall adjust the standard of retirement pension in due time according to the economic and social development. Conscripts who, during the period of active service, have received honors of second class merit or above in peacetime or of third class merit or above in wartime, and who are the children of martyrs, are discharged from active service, shall be arranged by the local people's government at or above the county level in the place of their resettlement; The local people's government shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State, grant living allowances during the period of work to be arranged; According to their own free will, they can also choose to work independently. Conscripts who have been discharged from active service due to war, official duties or illness shall be properly placed by means of work arrangement and support according to the disability grade assessed by the State; Those who meet the conditions for arranged work can also choose to work independently on their own free will.

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