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How old can I get a marriage certificate according to the current law?

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How old can I get a marriage certificate according to the current law?


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  • 2024-06-20 01:01:42

    What conditions can be married? There are relevant provisions in the law. Both men and women who meet the following conditions can get married and go through the registration procedures:
    1. Marriage must be completely voluntary, and neither party is allowed to force the other or any third party to interfere;
    2. The age of marriage shall not be earlier than 22 for men and 20 for women;
    3. There are no circumstances prohibiting marriage: direct relatives by blood and collateral relatives by blood within three generations; Having a disease that is medically considered unfit for marriage;
    4. Both men and women who meet the conditions go to the marriage registration office to register their marriage in person and get the marriage certificate. If no marriage registration is handled, it shall be re registered.
    If the above conditions are met, both parties can go together to go through the marriage registration procedures, and take the following materials with them: the household register and ID card of both parties; A signed statement that he/she has no spouse and has no direct blood relationship or collateral blood relationship within three generations with the other party.


    2024-06-20 01:01:42

  • civil Relevant knowledge

  • law

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