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Does buying a house after marriage count as common property

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Does buying a house after marriage count as common property


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  • 2024-06-27 02:00:57

    1. Contribution of one parent after marriage
    (1) If the property right certificate contains the names of both the husband and the wife, it means that the house is a gift from the parents of the investor to both the husband and the wife, which is naturally the joint property of the husband and the wife, unless the parents have evidence to prove that the house is for one of the husband and the wife
    (2) If only the name of the husband and wife is written on the property right certificate, it means that the house property is a gift from parents to their children, unless there is an agreement between the two parties that it is not common property
    2. After marriage, the parents of both parties pay the down payment, and the couple jointly repay the loan. If there is no prior agreement between the two parties, the house purchased with joint investment during the existence of the marital relationship is recognized as the joint property of the couple. Even if only one person's name is written on the property certificate, it is also the joint property
    3. In the case that both husband and wife jointly contribute to the investment after marriage, no matter where the house is registered, it is considered as common property, unless the couple has an agreement
    4. After marriage, if the money paid by one of the spouses as the down payment is their own premarital property, and there is evidence to prove the source of the fund, and the property right certificate is written in their own name, then it is their personal property, otherwise it will be regarded as joint property, unless the couple has an agreement
    2、 Principle of the Court's Judgment on the Dispute of Buying a House after Marriage The Court shall analyze the property ownership according to the property registration, capital contribution, loan and other factors if the husband and wife have an agreement on the property dispute of buying a house after marriage, the agreed result shall prevail, and encourage negotiation to solve the problem


    2024-06-27 02:00:57

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