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If the sentence is suspended, but the fine cannot be paid, will you be put in prison?

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If the sentence is suspended, but the fine cannot be paid, will you be put in prison?


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  • 2024-06-14 10:00:58

    If the sentence is suspended, but the fine cannot be paid, will you be put in prison? A fine is one of the punishments stipulated in the Criminal Law and is executed according to the judgment of the people's court. If it is really difficult to pay due to an irresistible disaster, it may be reduced or exempted as appropriate. Therefore, the execution of probation will not be affected. If a fine is imposed according to Article 52 [Discretion of the amount of fine] of the Criminal Law, the amount of the fine shall be determined according to the circumstances of the crime. Article 53 The fine shall be paid once or in installments within the time limit specified in the judgment. If it fails to pay at the expiration of the time limit, it shall be compulsorily paid. If the fine cannot be paid in full, the people's court shall recover it at any time when it finds that the person subjected to execution has property that can be enforced. If it is really difficult to pay due to irresistible disasters, it may be reduced or exempted as appropriate.

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