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I have two sons who want a divorce. What if I don't want children

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I have two sons who want a divorce. What if I don't want children


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  • 2024-06-22 01:00:57

    Hello, according to your description, you can discuss with your other partner who will raise the child? If the other party agrees to raise two children, the children can be raised by the other party. The ownership of custody in divorce can be negotiated by both parties. If the negotiation fails, the court shall make a judgment. The court's decision on the ownership of custody is generally based on the principle of benefiting children's growth: the following factors are mainly considered: education background, work, income, age, family environment, children's age, etc. of both husband and wife.
    According to the provisions of Article 36 of the Marriage Law, the relationship between parents and children shall not be eliminated by the divorce of parents. After divorce, whether the children are directly raised by the father or the mother, they are still the children of both parents.
    After divorce, parents still have the right and obligation to support and educate their children.
    After divorce, children who are breast-feeding shall be brought up by the breast-feeding mother in principle. If the two parties fail to reach an agreement due to a dispute over the upbringing of a child after breast-feeding, the people's court shall make a judgment according to the rights and interests of the child and the specific circumstances of both parties.

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