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How to explain the late marriage and late childbirth leave

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How to explain the late marriage and late childbirth leave


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  • 2024-06-27 13:00:59

    1、 In accordance with the national regulations on late marriage leave, those who meet the age of late marriage (23 for women and 25 for men) can enjoy 15 days of late marriage leave (including 3 legal marriage leave).
    1. Definition of late marriage. The first marriage of male over 25 years old and female over 23 years old is late marriage.
    2. The age for first marriage shall be calculated according to the date approved on the marriage certificate. Calculation formula: age of first marriage=approved date on marriage certificate - my birth date.
    3. Precautions:
    (1) The premise of late marriage is that both men and women must be first married. If one party remarries and the other party is the first marriage, even if the first marriage party has reached the age of late marriage, it does not belong to late marriage.
    (2) The age of first marriage cannot be calculated by the date of the wedding.
    (3) The legal age for marriage is the minimum age for marriage stipulated in the Marriage Law. The age for late marriage is the age for advocating marriage as stipulated in the family planning laws, which is three years later than the legal age for marriage for men and women.
    4. Late marriage rewards:
    (1) For first married couples who meet the age of late marriage, one week of marriage leave will be added; Both parties enjoy it, and one party enjoys it; Late marriage leave shall be used continuously after marriage leave.
    (2) The salary and bonus during the increased vacation will be paid as usual, and the amount of the bonus will be determined by the unit of the recipient. However, when the unit stipulates on its own, the amount of the award shall not be less than the average award of the same kind of personnel in the same period, and shall not affect other bonuses, such as quarterly award, semi annual award, year-end award, etc.
    2、 Late childbirth: The Special Provisions on Labor Protection of Women Workers (Draft) has adjusted the scope of work that women workers are forbidden to engage in, and extended the maternity leave enjoyed by women workers in childbirth from 90 days to 98 days.
    1. The definition of late childbearing. The first child of a female who has reached the age of 24 is a late child.
    2. The calculation method of the first childbearing age shall be based on the date of birth of the child. Calculation formula: age of first child=date of birth of child - date of birth of mother.
    3. Precautions:
    (1) Late childbearing is subject to the age of the woman. As long as the woman has reached the age of 24 at the time of the first childbearing, it belongs to late childbearing.
    (2) Both men and women must have their first child. If the man remarries and gets better results before remarriage. Although the woman who has given birth to a child is the first child and has reached the age of late childbearing after remarriage, it does not belong to late childbearing.
    (3) Late childbearing should be vigorously promoted, mainly through publicity and education.

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